Friday 4 November 2016


Author: James Patterson & David Ellis
ISBN: 978-0-099-57419-4

Hi Everyone,

It's been a busy week here, the sun is streaming through our window as spring blossoms, and I managed to sneak in some extra reading time.  A good week all in all one would say.

Mistress, by James Patterson and David Ellis, has sat on my shelf for far too long, so I took down the poor little book and gave it some attention.  I have to say enjoyed it but not to the extent I thought I should have.  I worked in a bookstore some years back now, and James Patterson was always on the 'Top 10' list.  Hence, when I bunkered down to devour this novel, I had high expectations.  It started out a little bizare as woman falls to her death while her boyfriend watches from the street.  He then makes run for it!  Why?  That was the start of my questioning in this novel.  It took a while for the action to arise and when it did I was impressed.  I became quite excited and thought "Right this is why people like James Patterson novels."  The action didn't last as long as I would have liked.  But I waited for more.  I'm still waiting.

The spiraling plot did keep me captivated, and I read to end to find the mystery behind the ever growing events.  I thought there were just a few too many characters to keep up with.  There was also a lot of word play, as the authors added television program linkage into the storyline.  I did expect that these would come into some of the mystery or plot, but they didn't.  Then again they did add to some of the joy of reading as I was reminded of movies watched in the past. 

So, did I enjoy this read you may ask?  Yes, over all I did enjoy it.  I wouldn't read it again, so it will be a 'hand me along book', but I am please I have experienced a James Patterson novel.  I have since read other reviews for this novel and it would seem it is not one of his 'best' writings.  Some have questioned why Patterson joined with another author for this book.  I am keen now to read one more of James Patterson's novels so I can compare and make my own opinion on this piece of writing, in comparison to his previous books.  Keep an eye out on my future reviews and I will sneak in another book by this author and let you know the outcome of my investigation.  There has to be a reason behind why this author was always on the 'Top 10' shelves in my past days of working in a bookstore.


As Ben Casper watches his best friend plummet from her sixth-floor apartment balcony, he realises his life is about to change.  Diana had no reason to kill herself, she had to have been pushed.

Diana worked for the CIA, so the investigation into her death is kept tighly under wraps.  But ben is a politcal journalist, and can feel that something isn't right.

Ben strts investgating for himself and soon discovers Diana was leading a double life he knew nothing about.  But when more people involved die in questionable circumstances, it's clear that someone doesn't want the truth to be uncovered. 

And unless Ben drops his investigation, he could be next...

This was available from: Amazon, Fishpond and Book depository

Happy reading

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