Hot body year round
Author: Cassey Ho
ISBN: 9780804139045
Hi everyone. I have received my copy of Cassey Ho's Hot Body Year Round, and I am not disappointed. It contains 150 pictures and recipes, which are beautiful. One thing I will give Cassey is the fact that she is girlie. She talks about nails and hair during her workouts and gives wonderful inspirational quotes. Her book shows this side of her. It isn't like all the other exercise books I have seen, this one has lovely pictures as she sets the scene for each season; winter, autumn, summer and spring.

We are in winter here at the moment and every bit of inspiration to get me moving is required. When my internet is down, I am able pick up this book and still feel like I should exercise. I can do a complete routine as I follow, easily, her step by step instructions.
Come meal times she hasn't let us down. There are great, clean eat recipes to suit most people. Here over winter my family needs hot meals and the odd pudding. Cassey's puddings are delicious. Come summer I am sure I will enjoy her salads. Her pictures definatly sell her recipes, so I hope they don't let me down.
I follow Cassey's youtube workouts via her app (blogilates). It keeps me toned and she always seems to be able to motivate me. That's why I had to have a copy of her book. I am pleased I have it in my hands especially on the days when my internet plays up or the my children take over my tablet. Come on all you mums you know what it is like to get the tablet (charged) when you want it!
This was available from: Book Depository, Fishpond, Amazon and Cassey's website
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