Author: Bryce Courtenay
ISBN: 0-670-07026-2
Pages: 498

Sylvia is a story of the Childrens crusaide, which occured in the year 1212. Bryce Courteney has search dark corners of long ago to piece together this novel. I found it interesting and unbelieveble. How can this happen to young girl. One who is loved and protected so dearly by her mother only to have her die. She is made to face horrid world of her father, unprotected and extreme. Not only is her father unbelievably cruel but the women are unreal!!! How can women be so cruel to a small girl? She runs away on a pilgramage only to find more deception.
She a birth mark on her shoulder that continues to bring her attention, along a with an amazing voice. The more she tries to tell the truth, the more people speak of only the whispers that create her world. She is forced to live a lie to make a world for herself.
Very interesting story. It was long read which I have to admit I nearly put down half way through, as it seemed to be going nowhere. Having said that I am glad I kept reading!
This was available from: Fishpond and Book depository
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