Thursday 1 December 2016

women and cats

Hi Everyone,

I asked my daughter for a word to look up a quote for.  She came up with cat!  Upon searching this was her favourite.  I wonder why?  We sort out the cat for a photo and I think she has the same opinion as the quote.  She is such a lovable little critter.  They both are 😊

Then I got wondering who Robert A Heinlen was (the author of the quote).  He was a science fiction writer who became influential in his field of writing.  You can find out more about Robert A Heinlen (July 7, 1907 – May 8, 1988) on the wikipedia page designated to him.

Anyway my daughter, cat and this quote have made me smile tonight.  I hope you can smile at this too and just relax in acceptance of everyone (male, female or cat) in your life today.

Happy reading

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