Wednesday 31 May 2017

Book tuber of the month

Hi Everyone

Once again we have come to the time of the month where I look at all the booktubers that have inspired my reading for the month and choose the one I want to highlight the most.

This month A Clockwork Reader caught my eye.  I particularly love this unboxing.  It is the FairLoot box which I haven't managed to come across ye,t so I will be looking further into that next.  I really want a book box which I can get sent to me, many don't ship to my country but I will keep looking.  Anyway she gets quite excited over the candle and makes me want the box! 

She has a variety of clips on her channel and they seem to be inspirational and informational.  I have noticed that many of the booktubers that I have watched over the years have started doing funny stuff... I still prefer reviews, TBR's, book hauls, box openings and the likes, over the crazy, funny, look at me posts.  A Clockwork Reader brings me exactly what I like and inspires me to read what she adds to her channel.

So take look in on here channel A Clockwork Reader

Happy reading

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