Wednesday 29 March 2017


Author: Cornelia Funke
ISBN: 978-1-908435-10-1

Hi Everyone,

I was missing in action yesterday as I was absorbed in the battles between the pages of Inkdeath.  I almost forgot I belonged in the outside world as the characters had captured me within the Ink world.  I have to say this.... Sorry if someone doesn't agree with me... But...  I put this up there with the worlds created by J. R. R. Tolkien. 


The words are just amazing!  I could read this over and over just because of the word formation.  Finally, a book that isn't dumbed down with today's language, but at same time is written in today's language.  I have to admit that, just a couple of times, I opened my dictionary app to look up a word.  Not because I couldn't comprehend the word but because Cornelia Funke's writing had that effect on me.

The characters.  Oh, the characters.  There are so many but I loved them all, even the ones I despised.  In a world of good verses evil in graphical literature I connected with the brilliance of the character creation.  My favourite were the glassmen.  Can you just imagine little men made from glass that fit in a pocket?  Then there was the giant that was gentle but managed to kill so many people.  Faird, from all three books in the Inkworld series,  annoyed me in this book.  Maggie wasn't as spoilt but more grown up, I like this view of Maggie.  Resa kind of annoyed me to until she became the bird (read the book!).  The white women that represented death, started off as being a symbol of death but then became more like angels, to me that is.  Especially when the Shadow became prominent in the plot. 

The scene also was brilliant.  I could see the Inkworld.  The vastness of the castle.  The town ship and the era it belonged to.  The cave wasn't touched on for long but it was still written into the world with dampness that could be seen.  But,  I loved the woods and the nests that the children sat in.  It captured me and transported me to right there in the woods watching each event unravelled. 

This is in our town library in the children's section.  I have a few issues with that idea.  First if you handed this to my kids a few years back they would have looked at me like I was nuts.  This book is 699 pages long!  And, the language is just rich enough that I think I would daunt a young reader.  I looked up a couple of words.  Most normal people probably wouldn't and neither would a child.  Then there are a couple of scenes that are full of some graphics that I think belong in the youth section.  Now as I say this, please understand that our young adults section isn't in our children's library.  I think this book belongs in the young adults section (My opinion only). 

This is one of my favourite series.  Inkheart has been on my favourites list since I first got my hands on my copy.  I thought the movie was awesome but nothing in comparison to the book.  Inkspell kept me wanting more and now Inkdeath has ended series leaving me happy where it left me. 

For my reviews on Inkheart and Ink death - click Inkheart and Inkspell

Inkdeath was available from: Fishpond, Amazon and Book depository

Conelia Funke's webpage is also worth taking a look into: Conelia Funke official site

Happy reading

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