Tuesday 17 May 2016

We don't know what we are

Hi Everyone,

We are reading 'Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH'  at the moment.  There are some in-depth conversations coming out of this story.  We are all getting a bit excited over some of the conversations, to say the least.  The reading went for at least 3 hours today, as one chapter lead to just one more and one more.  That was until we were starving and I had almost lost my voice.  In amongst the reading came some of the most interesting conversations I have ever had with the kids, over a book.  Have conversations like these ones and you will never have to answer comprehension questions!

One of the conversations was about the above quote.  We don't know where to go because we don't know who we are.  Have you ever asked your kids/students what and who they are?  This got a huge response and more questioning.  It was never-ending as we all looked at where we had been and where it has taken us.  Making them think of what they have become due to friends and circumstances along with the change in the person they were, in comparison to five years ago. 

When you take a mouse and a bunch of rats, then turn them from a story and metaphor, to a reality of ideals then link them into a conversation the outcome is amazing.  I have a whole new outlook on classics and Socratic questions, the combination opens a new world of literature for any age. 

Add this to your to be read pile and enjoy reading

Quote taken from 'Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH' by Robert C. O'Brien

Available at Fishpond

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