Tuesday 9 February 2016

Too much thinking going on!

Hi Everyone,

What's crowding your mind at the moment?  Is it worthy of making a reality or is it just a waste of brain space?  I have far too much to think about at the moment, and it is all important.  It all fits in with my values, so it brings me joy and peace.  I have exams next week, and they are my last!  I am coming to the end of my studies that have taken much of my time for many years now.  It is a season that I can see the end of, and I can see the beginning of the next season as it transfers from one to the next. 

Normally exams, work and life would stress me.  Not today.  I have found that when I place my values in line with my thoughts and daily events, it is easier to cope.  By asking if my stress and thoughts line up with my top values for life, I can decide what is important for my time.  I can say no easier, a word I never used to be able to use.  I felt condemned when I said no to anyone and would worry.  Why?  In reality, no one else cared what I thought while my thoughts and worries robbed me.  They robbed me of joy, peace and time to laugh with my family.  In the essence of it, I made my thoughts a reality. 

So this quote holds a special meaning.  What you think of most you will seek to make a reality.  Know don't get me wrong, I know I don't have control over other people or some situations in my life.  But, I do have the choice of how to react and feel.  I have the choice of what to think, and no-one can take that away from me.  I can become empowered by my thoughts or an emotional wreck.  By checking if my thoughts, dreams and passions line up with my values, I can make clearer choices.  These choices can make my internal thoughts, external reality.

What are your values?  What are you thinking and dwelling on in that mind of yours?  You are worth every bit as much, and more, than the people you see living joyful, fulfilling lives around you.  Take time to breathe and dwell on the inner thoughts you want to make a reality.  How can you make them happen?  Dream, believe, seek and find... Then give a little away to make someone happy.
Leave me a comment about what your reading a the moment.  I love hearing what is being read out there in the big wide world.
Happy reading


Disclaimer:  I can't take credit for the picture it was sent to me by a friend.  It is my 'Worthy of Repeating' for this week. 

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